Israel at War

October 12th, 2023

Find our official statements, videos, prayers and content related to the conflict against terrorist organization Hamas that have erupted in Israel in October 2023.

On 7 October 2023, terrorists led by Hamas launched a large-scale invasion and offensive against Israel from the Gaza Strip. They broke through the Gaza–Israel barrier and forced their way through Gaza border crossings, entering nearby Israeli settlements and military installations.

Masorti and MERCAZ Olami Statement

Masorti and MERCAZ Olami deeply condemn the heinous attacks and acts of violence by Hamas that have erupted in Israel, and unequivocally stand in solidarity with our Country and its need for self-defense and for restoring security to the Israeli population. This is a moment of profound crisis for our beloved State and People of Israel, for bereaved families and families of the wounded, and for loved ones of the hostages.

Our hearts ache and are with everyone who has suffered losses; and we pray together for those who have been captured and injured, for their complete recovery and return to safety.

We invite all of you, our communities, supporters and friends from around the world, to join us in solidarity with Israel and its residents, in condemning these acts of terror, and put aside any and all internal Jewish political disagreements during this urgent period of Achdut.

We all know why we support Israel and what the importance of our country is - "May the Lord grant His people strength; may the Lord bless his people with peace" has never been a more immediately relevant verse.

We thank you for all of your messages and acts of support, and continue to pray for security, for healing for the bereaved, the wounded, and the captured.

Read it below in different languages.


Massorti et MERCAZ Olami condamnent fermement les attaques odieuses et les actes de violence du Hamas en Israël.  Massorti et MERCAZ sont entierement solidaires de notre pays et de son besoin de défense pour le rétablissement de la sécurité de la population israélienne. C’est un moment de crise profonde pour notre État et notre peuple bien-aimés d’Israël, pour les familles endeuillées et les familles des blessés, ainsi que pour les proches des otages.

Nos cœurs souffrent et nous sommes avec tous ceux qui ont subi des pertes ; et nous prions ensemble pour ceux qui ont été capturés et blessés, pour leur rétablissement complet et leur retour en sécurité.

Nous vous invitons tous, nos communautés, sympathisants et amis du monde entier, à nous rejoindre en solidarité avec Israël et ses résidents, à condamner ces actes de terreur, et à mettre de côté tout désaccord politique interne pendant cette période urgente de Achdut.

Nous savons tous pourquoi nous soutenons Israël et quelle est pour nous l'importance de ce pays : « Que le Seigneur accorde la force à son peuple ; que Dieu bénisse son peuple avec la paix » n'a jamais été un verset plus immédiatement pertinent.

Nous vous remercions pour tous vos messages et actes de soutien, et continuons de prier pour la sécurité, pour la guérison des blessées et capturées et pour le réconfort des personnes endeuillées.


Masorti und MERCAZ Olami verurteilen zutiefst die abscheulichen Angriffe und Gewalttaten der Hamas, die in den letzten Stunden in Israel ausgebrochen sind, und stehen unmissverständlich in Solidarität mit unserem Land und seinem Bedürfnis nach Selbstverteidigung und Wiederherstellung der Sicherheit der israelischen Bevölkerung. Dies ist ein Moment der tiefen Krise für unseren geliebten Staat und das Volk Israel, für die trauernden Familien und die Familien der Verwundeten sowie für die Angehörigen der Geiseln.

Unsere Herzen schmerzen und sind bei allen, die Verluste erlitten haben, und wir beten gemeinsam für diejenigen, die gefangen genommen und verletzt wurden, für ihre vollständige Genesung und ihre Rückkehr in die Sicherheit.

Wir laden Sie alle, unsere Gemeinden, Unterstützer und Freunde aus aller Welt, ein, sich uns in Solidarität mit Israel und seinen Bewohnern anzuschließen, diese Terrorakte zu verurteilen und in dieser dringenden Zeit der Achdut alle innerjüdischen politischen Meinungsverschiedenheiten beiseitezulassen.

Wir alle wissen, warum wir Israel unterstützen und wie wichtig unser Land ist - "Möge der Herr seinem Volk Kraft geben; möge der Herr sein Volk mit Frieden segnen" war noch nie ein Vers, der so unmittelbar aktuell war.

Wir danken Ihnen für alle Ihre Botschaften und Ihre Unterstützung und beten weiterhin für Sicherheit und Heilung für die Hinterbliebenen, die Verwundeten und die Gefangenen.


Masorti e MERCAZ Olami condenam veementemente os ataques atrozes e atos de violência perpetrados pelo Hamas que ocorreram em Israel nas últimas 72 horas, e solidarizam-se sem reservas com o país e sua necessidade de autodefesa e de restaurar a segurança da população israelense. Este é um momento de profunda crise para nossa amada nação e para o Povo de Israel, para as famílias enlutadas e as famílias dos feridos, e para os entes queridos dos reféns.

Nossos corações estão aflitos e estão com todos aqueles que sofreram perdas. Rezamos juntos por aqueles que foram capturados e feridos, desejando-lhes pronta recuperação e retorno à segurança.

Convidamos todos vocês, nossas comunidades, apoiadores e amigos de todo o mundo, a se unirem a nós em solidariedade a Israel e seus residentes, condenando esses atos de terror e deixando de lado qualquer desacordo político interno judaico durante este período urgente de unidade (achdut).

Todos sabemos por que apoiamos Israel e qual é a importância de nosso país. "Que o Senhor conceda força ao Seu povo; que o Senhor abençoe o Seu povo com paz" nunca foi um verso mais relevante imediatamente.

Agradecemos a todos por suas mensagens e manifestações de apoio e continuamos a rezar pela segurança e cura dos aflitos, feridos e capturados.


Masorti y MERCAZ Olami condenamos enérgicamente los atroces ataques y los actos de violencia perpetrados por Hamás que han estallado en Israel en las últimas 72 horas, y nos solidarizamos sin reservas con nuestro país y su necesidad de autodefensa y de restaurar la seguridad de la población israelí. Este es un momento de profunda crisis para nuestra amada Nación y el Pueblo de Israel, para las familias en duelo y las familias de los heridos, y para los seres queridos de los rehenes.

Nuestros corazones están afligidos y están con todos aquellos que han sufrido pérdidas; y rezamos juntos por aquellos que han sido capturados y heridos, por su pronta recuperación y retorno a la seguridad.

Invitamos a todos ustedes, nuestras comunidades, partidarios y amigos de todo el mundo, a unirse a nosotros en solidaridad con Israel y sus residentes, condenando estos actos de terror, y dejando de lado cualquier desacuerdo político interno judío durante este período urgente de Achdut (unidad).

Todos sabemos por qué apoyamos a Israel y cuál es la importancia de nuestro país: "Que el Señor conceda fuerza a Su pueblo; que el Señor bendiga a Su pueblo con paz" nunca ha sido un verso más relevante de inmediato.

Les agradecemos por todos sus mensajes y muestras de apoyo, y seguimos rezando por la seguridad, la curación de los afligidos, los heridos y los capturados.

Top image credit: The State of Israel. File licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

A prayer for Simchat Torah War from Masorti Movement in Israel and Rabbinical Assembly in Israel in English, French, German, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian.

Click on links below to download the pdf versions in different languages:

English | French | German | Hebrew | Portuguese | Spanish | Ukrainian

To help us better understand the current situation in Israel and the IDF's next steps, DF Major General (res.) Noam Tibon talked to Masorti/Conservative world on Monday, October 9. Watch the recording below.
Read the latest statements from Rabbi Alan Silverstein and Emily Levi Shochat, Co-presidents of MERCAZ Olami; Margo Gold, President of Masorti Olami; and a drasha from Rabbi Mauricio Balter, Executive Director of Masorti and MERCAZ Olami, in English and in Spanish.

In wake of the unprecedented attack by Hamas terrorists and the ensuing war, Masorti has targeted four areas of action for which we are best placed:

• Spiritual and emotional support kehillot members and leadership.

• NOAM – guiding, supporting and strengthening resilience.

• Ensuring that Israel remains a Jewish and democratic state.

• Hasbarah and bringing information to Conservative Jews outside Israel.

Your partnership will help us support Israel.

Click here to learn more about the Masorti/Conservative responses to War.

In the wake of the murderous attack on the State of Israel and its citizens, a worldwide prayer service for the safety of the captives, the healing of the wounded, the memory of the murdered and the safety and security of IDF soldiers, security and rescue forces and all citizens of Israel took place in Jerusalem on Thursday, October 12. Watch the recording below. Click on the links to watch the French and Spanish recordings.

See below a prayer for the Welfare and the Return of Israel’s Captured and Missing from Among our Sisters and Brothers from Masorti Movement in Israel and Rabbinical Assembly in Israel in English, French, Hebrew, and Spanish.

Click below to download the pdf versions.

English | French | Hebrew | Spanish

Download the prayers shared during the Joint Prayer in English, French and Spanish here.

Diplomatic and political correspondent for The Times of Israel and frequent commentator on Israeli radio and TV, the award-winning Israeli journalist spoke about the diplomatic aspects of the current war against the terrorist group Hamas. Watch the recordings below.

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We are MERCAZ Olami, the political arm in the National Institutions of the worldwide Conservative/Masorti Movement, based in Jerusalem, Israel.
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32 General Pierre Koenig 4th Floor
Jerusalem 93469, Israel
T: +972 (2) 624-7106