October 7 Memorial Ceremony | Masorti/Conservative Worldwide Community commemorates one year since Hamas terrorist attack

October 7th, 2024

On October 6, the Masorti/Conservative Worldwide Community gathered for a global online event to mark one year since the terrorist attack, honor those killed during the Hamas massacre and the fallen soldiers, and pray for the safe return of the hostages still held in Gaza.

Hosted by MERCAZ Olami, Masorti Olami, Rabbinical Assembly, MERCAZ USA, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and Masorti Israel, the ceremony was attended by family members of the victims and hostages, representatives of the global Masorti/Conservative organizations and their regional representations; and World Zionist Organization Vice-Chair Dr. Yizhar Hess.

The event, which was attended by more than 700 participants, was co-organized by Marom, USY, Women's League for Conservative Judaism, Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Assembly of Jewish Educators and Exploring Judaism.

Watch the recording below:

Click to watch it in French or Spanish.

→ Download the tefilot (prayers) that were part of the event: ENGLISH | FRENCH | SPANISH

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