MERCAZ Olami is the sole political party representing the global Masorti/Conservative Movement at the World Zionist Congress and the four “National Institutions” under its auspices: the World Zionist Organization, Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (KKL)/Jewish National Fund (JNF), Keren HaYesod, and the Jewish Agency for Israel.
From the first World Zionist Congress in 1897, Theodor Herzl shaped the Zionist Movement as a political and democratic one, with different factions representing different viewpoints and strategies on how to best create and shape the Jewish state. MERCAZ Olami’s job is to work through the democratic political process at the Zionist Congress and the four so-called national institutions under its auspices to guarantee that the Conservative/Masorti Movement’s values, principles, and priorities are reflected in the institutions’ policies and work. MERCAZ’s representatives – elected by Jews just like you in Zionist elections around the world every five years – are your voice and the voice of nearly 2 million other Masorti/Conservative Jews around the world. In between elections, work on various committees, boards, and projects to continue to advance your values and interests. MERCAZ’s influence has helped bring millions to Masorti/Conservative Movement programs, strengthened Masorti Judaism and religious pluralism in Israel, and prevented illiberal forces from seizing control of significant programs and resources to advance their agenda.
Established in 1897, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) is the umbrella body of the Zionist Movement. Its legislative body, the World Zionist Congress, is the democratically elected parliament of the Jewish people everywhere. The Congress allows for representation of the various Zionist movements and organizations from across the political spectrum and acrossthe Jewish world: these span from MERCAZ representing the Conservative Movement, to other movements' parties, Israeli political parties, and more.
The distribution of seats and power at the World Zionist Congress is determined every five years through elections held in countries around the world. Roughly one-third are assigned to Israeli political parties based on the results of the most recent elections to the Knesset. Roughly one-third of seats are chosen via elections in the United States. The final roughly one-third are chosen via elections held in other countries. Some major Jewish organizations have permanent representation at the Congress, including Hadassah, WIZO, B'nai Brith, World Union of Jewish Students, and others. In the United States, any Jew over the age of 18 who accepts the "Jerusalem Program" (the basic principles of the Zionist movement) and pays a small administrative fee to cover the cost of online elections and prevent voter fraud (as each credit card can only vote a certain number of times) is eligible to vote for the World Zionist Congress
KKL/JNF was established in 1901 to purchase land for Jewish settlement and develop the Land of Israel. (NOTE: This is NOT JNF-USA, an entirely-separate US-based charity that does great work, but rather the much larger, original, Israel-based KKL/JNF)
Today, KKL/JNF is the Jewish world’s largest nonprofit and its board of directors is elected by you! KKL/JNF is the largest private landowner in Israel, with its landholdings generating approximately $2 billion in revenue annually that is spent on a wide variety of projects which help shape Israeli society and the Jewish world. These projects range from Jewish education and community development to environmental projects. How this huge sum of money is spent ultimately determined by your vote for the World Zionist Congress: if a party like MERCAZ wins say, 7% of the seats at the Zionist Congress, it will control 7% of the 37 seats on KKL/JNF’s Board of Directors that allocates these billions. Your vote for MERCAZ makes sure Masorti/Conservative Judaism has a strong voice on the board of KKL/JNF, helping ensure money goes to projects that advance a liberal, democratic, and pluralistic vision for Israel as well as that the Conservative/Masorti Movement and its programs in Israel and around the world get their fair share of these billions.
Founded in 1929, JAFI originally served as the "government in waiting" of the nascent Jewish state: indeed, its final Chairman before Israel's establishment was David Ben-Gurion. Today, it is best known for fostering aliyah (immigration) of Jews to the Land of Israel and for its shlichut (emissary) programs that serve as a bridge between Israelis and Jews around the world. JAFI has also aided Jews who find themselves in conflict zones, as it has done extensively during the war in Ukraine. Since 1948, the Jewish Agency has brought 3 million immigrants to Israel and offers them transitional housing in numerous "absorption centers" throughout the country. The World Zionist Congress appoints half of the members of the board of the Jewish Agency according to results of these elections, meaning your vote for MERCAZ in these elections also strengthens Masorti/Conservative Judaism’s representation at this important institution. Our presence on JAFI’s board is critical for making sure our congregations, Ramah camps, and youth groups like USY and NOAM get their fair share of the Jewish Agency’s resources, and that the Jewish Agency maintains an approach to the Law of Return and Aliyah policy (“Who is a Jew?”) that’s in line with our Movement’s values, rather than adopting the approach of ultra-Orthodox extremists.
Keren HaYesod was established by the World Zionist Congress to provide the Zionist Movement with resources needed to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It is an official fundraising organization for Israel with branches in 45 countries and special status under Israeli law. In the United States, the role traditionally fulfilled by Keren HaYesod is fulfilled by Jewish Federations. Just like at the other national institutions, MERCAZ’s representation in the Zionist Congress determines how many representatives we receive on the board of KH-UIA.
Israel faces major challenges after October 7th, from rebuilding the south to healing a fractured society. However, allies of Itamar Ben-Gvir and the ultra-Orthodox extremists who helped drive Israel into the abyss in 2023, now want to redirect billions at the Zionist Congress’s disposal from rebuilding to promoting their extreme agenda. Voting MERCAZ makes sure these funds are spent supporting those in Israel who need it most. Read more
Israel needs to heal and rebuild after October 7th, but close allies of Itamar Ben Gvir and ultra-Orthodox extremists want to spend the billions at the World Zionist Congress’s disposal not on healing and rebuilding, but on promoting their political agenda both in Israel and across the Jewish world. This includes attempts to direct funding to Yeshivot that discourage army service and to politically-controversial construction projects in politically sensitive areas important to their allies, instead of dedicating more funding to rebuilding for the Gaza Envelope region.
MERCAZ’s elected representatives have fought to make sure funds at the Congress’s disposal are spent on things within the Israeli and Jewish consensus:
Voting MERCAZ will make sure all funds and programs at the WZO, Jewish Agency, and KKL/JNF reach those who need it most.
MERCAZ’s representation at the World Zionist Congress determines Conservative/Masorti representation on the boards of the Jewish Agency and KKL/JNF, which together allocate over $2 billion annually. Millions our communities count on are at stake! When you vote for MERCAZ, you help secure millions for programs in your community as well as for Camp Ramah, youth groups like USY & NOAM, Sisterhoods & Men’s Clubs, and more. Read more
Our representation at the World Zionist Congress determines our representation on the boards of the Jewish Agency and KKL/JNF, and their allocation of over $2 billion annually. For example, if MERCAZ wins 7% of the seats in the Zionist Congress, it receives 7% of the seats on KKL/JNF’s board.
Using this influence, MERCAZ representatives have secured over $25 million USD that our Conservative/Masorti congregations, institutions, and programs rely on. This includes:
At this moment so many of our communities are struggling to stand up for Israel, educate our children, and combat antisemitism: winning more seats at the Congress means we can secure more funds for these important priorities.
ALSO: MERCAZ’s representatives fight not only for funding for Conservative/Masorti organizations, but also for promoting our values. For example, MERCAZ representatives led the fight to secure a record-breaking $5 million investment from KKL/JNF in combating climate change.
A vote for MERCAZ is a vote to make sure the World Zionist Congress and its affiliates use their influence and resources to protect democracy and democratic values like gender equality and LGBTQ rights in Israel. Read more
A vote for MERCAZ makes sure the World Zionist Congress and its affiliates use their significant influence and resources to protect democracy in Israel.
Now more than ever, the Jewish people need to be united, and real unity means every Jew having an equal seat at the table. Voting MERCAZ not only helps secure millions for Masorti/Conservative Judaism in Israel, but helps us fight the ultra-Orthodox monopoly, impact policy on matters of religion & state, and promote pluralism & equality. Read more
Now more than ever, in the face of immense challenges, the Jewish people need to be united. But true unity means every Jew, from every stream, having an equal seat at the table. This is no longer just about equality. It’s a necessity for the Jewish people’s well-being. Voting MERCAZ:
When you vote for the Conservative/Masorti Judaism’s official party, MERCAZ, in elections to the WZC held online, you are voting to help Israel heal and rebuild after October 7th, protect democracy in Israel, support Masorti/Conservative communities in Israel and worldwide, and promote religious pluralism in Israel.
When you don’t vote, all these billions and all this influence go to those who do. Not voting is voting:
Make sure those hardest hit on October 7th get resources they need to heal and rebuild:
Ready to vote for MERCAZ? Sign up to receive a reminder to vote when polls open for elections to the World Zionist Congress in your country.
Sign up for a reminder and when polls open, you’ll receive a link where you’ll register, pay a small administrative fee and VOTE MERCAZ.